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Supporting Your Child

On entry to Seathorne Primary Academy, whether in Nursery or Reception, your child will be working within the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

If they enter in Y1 and above they will be working within the National Curriculum.

Many of you will want to support your children at home and one of the best ways for you to do this is by reading with your child. This can include reading to your child and discussing the characters, what might happen next, what character they like / do not like and discussing why etc. Practise reading with intonation and expression too - this helps to develop their understanding and comprehension of what has been read.

At the Seathorne Primary Academy, we will support your child’s early reading by using the Little Wandle: Letters and Sounds revised programme. Click here for more information about this programme. Below, Mr Dennis explains about 'Sharing Books' and 'Reading Practice Books'. You will have been signposted to this video when your child first receives their 'Reading Practice Book' at the start of Reception. 

Reading at Home in Reception...










Please also speak to your child's class teacher if you would like any additional support with reading or phonics.

Now that your child has learnt the first 20 graphemes (letter shapes), they can practise blending to read. Here is a little video to support you with this at home:

Supporting your child with phonics learning

Once we have started teaching phonics, your child will begin bringing home a sticker to show you the new grapheme (letter shape) they have been learning the phoneme (letter sound) for. We also send home a guide to help you pronounce the letter sounds and form the letter shapes at home. Feel free to download these parent guides below:

Autumn Term 1 Phase 2 Pronunciation Guide for Parents

Autumn Term 2 Phase 2 Pronunciation Guide for Parents

Spring Term 1 Phase 3 Pronunciation Guide for Parents

We run a number of parent workshops and stay and play sessions throughout the year, so be sure to look out for the dates of those in your weekly newsletter! 

Supporting your child with their mathematical learning 

In order for your child to feel confident during maths lessons, it is important that they are fluent in basic number facts and times tables.

By the end of Reception, children should be able to 'see' numbers below 5. This is called subitising. Subitising | numeracy | early years - BBC Bitesize
This app by White Rose is free and can support your children with their early number understanding. 1-minute maths app | White Rose Maths (

By the end of KS1 your child should be able to recall in seconds the addition and subtraction facts below. Your child is supported to learn these in school by seeing a variety of models and images - here is a link to some videos to show you what these might look like. Number Sense Maths visual animations | Number Sense Maths Children need lots of practice to get quicker at remembering these facts. This game has a timer, so it will help your child increase their speed at answering these questions. See if your child can challenge themselves to get quicker! Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks



By the end of Year 4, your child should confidently be able to recall all times table facts up to 12 x 12. 

The key facts to prioritise knowing first are:

In school we use TT Rockstars to do this. Access this via this link or on the app Times Tables Rock Stars: Play ( Your child will have their own individual login. 

This game allows your child the opportunity to practice applying their times table knowledge to division and fractions calculations. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks