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Children can enjoy a hot school meal, cooked on the premises or bring their own packed lunch each day.

First College caterers are located in our on-site kitchen. The food is of very good quality and the menu is varied to provide a range of healthy, balanced options. Children can choose a main meal (meat or fish based), a vegetarian option and a light-lunch option. This can be followed by a cooked dessert, yoghurt or fresh fruit. 

We also provide plenty of water and milk with the children's meals.

How do I order and Pay for Meals?

Our families order meals through Parent Pay. This enables parent to order on a weekly, fortnightly or even termly basis, and to keep track easily of what they have ordered. It also ensures we have the most accurate an uptodate information about children's allergies and dietary needs as well.

ALL parents order via Parent Pay whether their children are entitled to Free School Meals or are choosing to pay for meals for those reasons above.

Payments are made in advance for meals, and again can match your choice of ordering weekly, fortnightly or termly.

Free School Meals or Paid for Meals?

Your child will be eligible for Universal Free School Meals if they are in Reception and KS1.

They might be eligible for  Free School Meals if they are in KS2 - see the information below to find out. 

Meals can also be ordered and purchased for children who are not eligible for Free School Meals - meals cost £2.30 per day.

Children may also enjoy their own packed lunch from home. 


Free School Meals

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 (Y1 and 2) are entitled to a free school meal, whatever your financial circumstances. This is known as Universal Free School Meals. There is nothing you need to do if you child is in our school, other than complete the Menu choice form sent out to you or let us know if you would prefer your child to have a packed lunch.

The vast majority of our children in Reception and KS1 enjoy the school meals together.

If you have children in KS2 (Years 3 to 6) you might be able to access Free School Meals linked to deprivation funding. 

If they are eligible, they can access Free School Meals, and also generate Pupil Premium funding for school. Pupil premium funding provides more benefits for your child than just free school meals including potential learning support, uniform support or subsidies for trips and visits. You can read more about that on our Pupil Premium page

You can find out more information about how to apply to Lincolnshire County Council here.

Please speak to any of our admin staff who will be happy to help you with this.