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Our Vision for Early Years

Across our Early Years at Seathorne Primary Academy, we cherish childhood and want ALL children to be happy, enjoying school and loving learning! We strive to create a beautiful, yet practical learning environment that fulfils all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage, where children can learn through their interests and develop the skills that will help them in school and beyond! Our shared values will guide children in their decision making and underpin their moral development in school.

Children will have the opportunity to learn through play. Learning will be fun and early years practitioners will create opportunities to challenge and further develop learning through play, appreciating each child as an individual. We highly value the importance of our outdoor environment and believe that it offers children a unique opportunity to develop a wider range of skills than simply accessing an indoor environment. Learning will be further enriched through visits within the local community and beyond!

We believe the adults at school and at home play a vital role in shaping the whole child as both pupil and a person, and we value our children and families, creating a triangle of trust between practitioners, parent and child. Through our partnership with parents, we will strive to have an open-door policy, with transparency and regular dialogue.